
In 2015, with the desire to obtain a cachaça of excellence, chemical engineer Hugo Bezerra produced at the Andaiá farm, after repeated experiments, the first Matense prototype of cachaça distillation.

Studious and intending to produce a cachaça with the purity of the original flavors of sugar cane, keeping it free from undesirable aromas, he managed, with his own technology, to obtain a cachaça that pleased family, friends and visitors to the farm.

The intense demand stimulated its production on an artisanal scale, and then Cachaça Kiricó was born, which today is present on the main shelves of the country, with international perspectives in the short term.

Kiricó also present in the historic center of the capital of Bahia

The Historic Center welcomed Kiricó, cachaça that is the face of Bahia! Present in several tourist spots in the city, such as: Pelourinho, Mercado Modelo, Rio Vermelho, Itapuã, among others. Cachaça has already conquered foreigners who tried it and, little by little, has been conquering the entire city of Salvador.

This is because anyone who tastes Cachaça Kiricó is sure that they are consuming a product of the highest quality, and that it follows strict technical standards from the planting of the cane to the moment of bottling, with aromas and flavors characteristic of the cane.

If you haven't tried it yet, know that one chance is enough to be surprised!

Our still always open to visitors from all over Bahia

We opened the doors of our Alembic to visit the participants of the @literaturacomcachaca event at the restaurant @engenhovelhoalagoinhas. Bahian cachaça producers, government representatives and representatives of the Sugarcane Sectoral Chamber also participated, as a continuation of the @literaturacomcachaca event that took place in Alagoinhas. At this meeting, we shared our history and introduced our little corner to the cachacista community, everyone was able to get to know the first prototype of Cachaça Kiricó distillation, our history, our origin, the infrastructure, the sugarcane plantation, the milling and fermentation rooms, distillation, storage and finally the bottling room. In addition to telling you how our dream of making a cachaça of excellence came about and valuing this unique product in Brazil. After the tour of the Alembic and the Andaiá/Janduim Farms, we prepared a delicious lunch and lots of Kiricó cachaça for the participants to celebrate and enjoy the Janduim Farm.

Curso de capacitação de produção otimizada de cachaça de alambique

Thinking of further improving our production process and focusing on Cachaça de Alambique, which is a unique, peculiar and extremely sensitive product, we participated in the course on “Optimized production of Alambique cachaça” taught by Professor Benjamim de Almeida Mendes. The realization took place from 02 to 04/03 on the Vaccaro farm, in the municipality of Rio de Contas-BA.

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